Weather in Ukraine - April 21, 2022

Weather in Ukraine - April 21, 2022

On April 21, 2022, the wind in Ukraine will be mostly southwestern, 7-12 m / s. At night in most western, central, Odessa, Mykolaiv, Kharkiv and Sumy regions light rain, in the rest of the territory without precipitation, during the day in Ukraine, except Transcarpathia and Luhansk region, moderate rains.

Temperature is 1-6 degrees at night (0-5 degrees below zero in the Carpathians), 0-3 degrees below zero on the soil surface in Zakarpattia and Prykarpattia, 7-12 degrees in the daytime in the country, up to 15 degrees in Zakarpattia and the east.

Source: Hydrometeorological Center of Ukraine

Tags: Odessa  Kyiv  Kharkiv  Ukraine  Sumy  


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