Weather in Ukraine - February 24, 2023

Weather in Ukraine - February 24, 2023

On February 24, 2023, the wind will be southerly in Ukraine, 7-12 m/s, in the afternoon in the Carpathians, northern and central regions, gusts of 15-20 m/s in places.

Cloudy with clearings. No significant precipitation, only light rain in the western and northern regions during the day, moderate rain in Transcarpathia (wet snow in the Carpathians).

The temperature in the eastern and Sumy regions at night is 10-15 degrees below zero, during the day around 0, in the western regions at night around 0, during the day 6-11 degrees, in the Carpathian highlands at night 3-8 degrees below zero, during the day around 0, in the rest of the territory at night 3- 8 degrees of frost, during the day 2-7 degrees of heat.

Source: Hydrometeorological Center of Ukraine

Tags: Ukraine  Weather  


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