Weather in Ukraine - November 18, 2022

Weather in Ukraine - November 18, 2022

On November 18, 2022, in Ukraine, the wind is northwesterly, 5-10 m/s, at night in the southeast of the country there are gusts of 15-18 m/s. Cloudy. except for the south and Transcarpathia, moderate wet snow at night, heavy rain and wet snow in the eastern regions, moderate rain and wet snow in the daytime in the western regions, in the rest of the territory, light wet snow with patches of wet snow, ice on the roads. In Transcarpathia and in the southern part, it mostly rains.

The temperature during the day is 3-8 degrees Celsius, during the day in the Crimea it is 9-14 degrees Celsius, in the rest of the territory it is 0-5 degrees below zero during the day.

Source: Hydrometeorological Center of Ukraine

Tags: Weather  Ukraine  


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