Weather in Ukraine - April 27, 2022

Weather in Ukraine - April 27, 2022

April 27, 2022 in Ukraine, northwest wind, 5-10 m/s. No precipitation, only in the northern regions at night, in the Carpathian region during the day light rain, thunderstorms in places. Fog in places in the Carpathians at night and in the morning.

Temperatures in the south and east of the country are 7-12 at night, 17-22 in the daytime, 4-9 in the rest of the territory, 11-16 in the daytime, 15-20 in Zakarpattia and in the central regions. In the Carpathians at night from 3 heat to 1 frost, in the daytime 7-12 heat.

Source: Hydrometeorological Center of Ukraine

Tags: Weather  Ukraine  


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