Weather forecast in Ukraine for April 24, 2024:

Weather forecast in Ukraine for April 24, 2024:

On April 24, 2024, in Ukraine, the wind will be predominantly southeast at 7-12 m/s, during the day in Ukraine, except for the west, gusts of 15-20 m/s are expected in some places.

Cloudy with clearings. Rain, thunderstorms occasionally during the day, in Rivne, Zhytomyr, and Vinnytsia regions, significant rainfall in places (only in eastern, Sumy regions and in Pryazovye without precipitation at night).

The temperature at night will be 5-10°C, in the southern part up to 13°C; during the day 12-17°C, in the south and southeast of the country 19-24°C, in Crimea up to 28°C.

In the highlands of the Carpathians, wet snow at night, rain during the day; temperature at night around 0°C, during the day 3-8°C warmer.

Source: Hydrometeorological Center of Ukraine.

Tags: Weather  Ukraine  


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