Weather forecast in Ukraine for April 4, 2024

Weather forecast in Ukraine for April 4, 2024

On April 4, 2024, in Ukraine, the wind will be southwesterly, transitioning to northwesterly at 7-12 m/s. At night in the northern regions and during the day in the northeastern and eastern regions, there will be occasional gusts of 15-20 m/s.

Variable cloudiness is expected. In the western and northern regions, there will be scattered light short-term rain at night, while the rest of the territory will remain dry.

The temperature at night will range from 2 to 7°C; during the day, it will be between 13 and 18°C. In the southern and eastern parts of the country, temperatures may reach 20-22°C in some places, while in the northern regions, temperatures will range from 7 to 12°C.

Source: Hydrometeorological Center of Ukraine

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